Falling in…

It’s like my heart is free falling. No longer a law unto gravity. No. It now has its own force, a pull, a magnetic attraction to the object of its affection.

Once drawn into the tunnel of vision it heads straight towards the object of its desire. All logic, restraint and normal behaviour becomes futile, void. Words which have meaning no longer carry a worthy description or bearing on this feeling.

Heart skips many beats when in their presence, as though the emotion has its own power causing emotion to erupt at will. Constant longing; wanting something for no other reason than merely wanting it, desiring it why? Because of the seed it has planted. The seed which has taken root, now growing bigger, larger and stronger day by day.

Being apart stifles your spirit causes you to find it incapable to breathe somehow. As though oxygen were poisonous, finding it difficult to breathe, to concentrate on anything else is virtually impossible.

They infiltrate your thoughts constantly.
Their happiness becomes your happiness, their sorrows, your sorrows. You feel as though you could and would do anything for them. Climb trees for them, grow wings for them. Be anything they needed you to be even if it meant becoming someone else completely. Just to please them. Losing yourself, your identity in them, in their love. You forget yourself. Forget what it means to eat, to sleep, to think about anyone else. All your thoughts belong to them.

Falling in infatuation. That is what it is, what it should be called. Not falling in love. Love  doesn’t  feel that way. With love you’re protected. There is no longing. You have control and are in control of your own emotions. There is nothing dragging you, forcing you to desire someone.

Merely and quite simply, without even realising it you know  you’ve  fallen, completely head over heels into an unhealthy obsession.

An unhealthy obsession with love itself.

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